Clear Glass Urn Vase, Greens: Salal, Silver Dollar Eucalyptus, Flowers: Red Roses, White Wax Flower.
For the most marvelous and exquisite arrangement, send our three dozen red roses. The epitome of love and romance, they will be in awe when they receive this bouquet!
Select a color in notes
Colors are Red, hot pink, light pink, yellow and orange
A floral classic. 6 roses arranged into a clear glass vessel with foliage and baby's breath
Roses are available in red, shades of pink lavender, yellow, orange and variegated colors
Please note/special instructions on which color you would like.
If no color is chosen we will use red roses
Our beautiful dozen roses are sure to impress.
Please choose a color for your roses and add it to the note/special instructions
Red, Pink, Hot Pink, Lavender/Purple, Orange, Yellow
Pick your favorite color rose and we will take care of the rest. We match the rose color and ribbon to make a classic double rose vase.
Please note in special instructions what color rose you would like
Rose colors available: Red, Yellow, Hot pink, Light pink, Lavender, Orange, Blue
Rose Vase , Foliage: Leather Leaf, , Ivy , Eucalyptus, Red Roses.
Sometimes a dozen roses just won't do! Express your love with this magnificent display of roses! Let the message be clear with beautiful red roses from someone they love.
Please choose a color and add it to the special instructions part of your order
Colors available
Red, Hot Pink, Light Pink, Lavender, Yellow, Orange Blue and designers choice Variegated
Our classic dozen roses with premium foliage and accent flowers.
Roses are available in red, shades of pink lavender, yellow, and orange
Please note/special instructions on which color you would like.
If no color is chosen we will use red roses
A beautiful rose with baby's breath and a matching ribbon
Choose a rose color and add it to the Special Instructions section on your order.
Rose Colors: Red, Hot pink, Light pink, Lavender, Yellow, Orange, Blue
Modern style half dozen roses with eucalyptus
Please choose a rose color and add it to the special instructions part of your order
Colors- Red, Hot pink, Light pink, Lavender, Orange, Yellow
If no color is chosen then it will be red
Our cutest little bear is sending a big hug to whoever needs one. This vase includes 1 rose,
The Deluxe price includes 2 roses,
The Premium price includes 3 roses
Rose colors, Red, Hot Pink, Light Pink, Orange, Lavender,
Please add color choice to the special instructions part of your order. If no color is selected we will use red.
Roses from AMY'S FLOWERS in Presque Isle, ME always make an impression. You can express your self in a variety of ways from the simple rose bud vase, to an extravagant two dozen. Browse our rose pictures to find the best arrangement of roses for you. If you don't see something you like give AMY'S FLOWERS a call. We can arrange roses in a variety of styles to suit your special occasion, style or color such as: yellow roses, white roses and pink roses. Send your message of love with roses from AMY'S FLOWERS today.